Sunday 20 March 2016

Touching Grounds With Literature

The shift of paradigm in literature is somewhat anticipated, what with all the fascinating wave of new technologies, new perspectives. What was largely kept just before lining in shelves and stuffed in circumstances are today compiled digitally inside sleek devices. Hardbound books turning into what are today identified as "e-books".

No matter whether we would like to admit it or not, not everyone has gone out and passed that "catch-up" mode currently. I may possibly not be that old but either, however technologies perplexes me most of the time.

How's our literature faring, by the way?

The thought of what is the most intriguing piece of literature to study has been a discussion amongst me and my daughter. By literature, effectively, we each define it as "novel". It is our interest and we uncover solemn ground in reading side by side on the couch or sitting subsequent to a plate of "pika-pika" someplace exactly where we can obtain peace and quiet. That was our way of entertaining exactly where we would examine the quantity of pages study and remembered...

Then here comes the introduction of digital devices. Not as well lengthy ago, we each have piles of books sitting subsequent to us. Right now, I only see mine. Whilst I'm busy flipping pages, she's comfortably leaning on the couch scrolling her cell telephone with a thumb. She says technologies has permitted her to multi-job. Nowadays, she can answer calls and text messages and study her preferred novel at the exact same time.

She has a point, I'd give her that. But, there are substantial modifications that I have come to notice.

Ahead of, we study for the words and not only for the story. We languished on both page, and very enjoyed the flow of words as properly as the flare of the author. We produced exciting of the words we can't start to decipher and invented meanings as well far-fetched to make them hilariously funny.

Currently, I have this disturbing feeling that the type of appreciation she gave on both written piece is lost and gone. She reads purely for the story, much more concerned on what occurs subsequent. I wonder if she's taking into account what occurred ahead of that got her to this point.

One can really appreciate how she reads just before. Her interest on both character in the story - what drives them and every thing about the globe they reside in. Right now, Whilst the writing style is nonetheless fairly a lot exciting to her, the over-all narrative appears to be what keeps her on her feet.

She's reading much more hurriedly. Every thing these days is far more hurried than ever.

Reality is, every author's thoughts is a quagmire that is not so simple to navigate if you do not know how to appreciate the flow words. What worries me with this generation of new technology is getting our young becoming lost to this quagmire I am speaking about.

I think there is no ideal or incorrect with how we study or even what we study. I respect technologies and content of what it has provided our globe these days. But, let us not overlook to appreciate the depth of what we utilised to have just before. If we recklessly jump into the water with no being aware of how deep it is, we may perhaps drown into a void.

This story I shared about me and my daughter is meant to be an analogy of some sorts. We can devote as well substantially time analyzing the very good and undesirable of these new developments and shifts of paradigms and seeking at one element to the exclusion of one more portion that we fail to recognize its cohesive entirety.

Literature is supposed to be languished and enjoyed. Poems, orations, declamations, quick stories, they have their significance to human existence. They should not be study hurriedly exactly where their meaning is lost in time. They are meant for us - and us for them.

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