Tuesday 22 March 2016

Stealthy Assassin Robot Arrested for Murder - Requests Electrocution for Death Penalty

In the year 2032 capital punishment was deleted from the United States. In 2055 just after China and the United States had merged following a terrible war it was reinstated to deal with some of the crime and fallout of financial chaos that ensued. There was a murder, and the person was caught. The culprit ended up on death row, and was going to be executed. Once the Chinese and American laws have been merged, the men and women who had been to be place to death had been permitted to pick out how they want to be executed. There had been lots of techniques they could select from.

They could select a public execution, 1 which would be televised permitting them to donate funds to their preferred charity as their final act of redemption. They could have a private death penalty execution had been only the victims of the crime or their instant family members had been permitted to watch. They could die by firing squad, electrocution, drowning, hanging, self-immolation (15-minute time period), lethal injection or a quantity of other selections. They could even come forth with a new option of death, and had 3 months to submit their request to the assessment board.

In this case the murder chose electrocution. No a single had selected that for a lengthy time since it was deemed 1 of the most terrible approaches to die, but that was the new super state law in the new combined nation. This was carried out in 2055 - Year of the Boar. The person also chose a public execution and the income to be offered to the favourite charity of the new president's (Essentially a Supreme Benevolent Dictator Elected for Life) wife. Though everybody was appalled, the law stated that it was the selection of the condemned the culprit would be permitted to give the cash, how they had been to be executed, and it would be televised or not.

On that day it was televised and as soon as they flipped the switch for electrocution, Sparks went everywhere. It wasn't a individual following all, it was a robot that looked like a human, but it was of a late model, and no a single knew that it was an android. Worse, as soon as it was electrocuted it fried all electronics inside, and no a single could figure out the origin of the robot, who owned it, or where it came from.

The stealthy assassin robot and its owner had beaten the method. Worse, one particular of the men and women it murdered, the one particular it got caught for turned out to be somebody who would ultimately develop up and be the new president of the combined nations. Please contemplate this future science fiction thriller.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of Science Fiction eBooks. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the On the internet Feel Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net

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