Wednesday 8 April 2015

Different Types of Short Fiction

Fiction has evolved in lots of strategies more than the years, not only in length but too in tone. The stories are now much more speedy paced to cater to today's readers. The earlier leisurely pace with which a story evolved is no longer observed in modern fiction. It was hence inevitable that the length of the stories would too transform according to the contemporary audience.

The regular types of fiction are the quick story and the novel. The existing brief form derived from the novel is the novella. A novella frequently falls involving 20,000 words and significantly less than 50,000 words that make a novel. A novelette is higher in length than a quick story but is shorter than a novella. The word count frequently falls in between 7500 words to 17000 words. The length of these shortened versions of novellas may perhaps differ a bit according to the market place.

There are too numerous types of the brief story in micro word counts. The most preferred form is flash fiction. Even though distinctive markets have various concepts of the permitted word count, ideally it does not exceed above 1000 words. Flash fiction is even extra difficult than a conventional quick story as it makes it possible for the writer no time for a leisurely narrative. Nonetheless, it has to have a story and should really not just be a rendering of an occasion. It is much more focused, like a camera zooming in on a certain detail.

Well-liked quick types have emerged than are even shorter than flash fiction. Some of them are-

Six word stories - This form was produced renowned by Hemingway. He was challenged to write a story with only six words. He came up with - Infant footwear, in no way worn, for sale.

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Two sentence stories - One instance is - I wished, the crying in the middle of the evening would quit and it did. The laughter stopped as well, but the scent of Infant powder nonetheless clings to my arms.

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Six sentence stories - Equivalent to two sentence stories, these are stories that are full in only six sentences.

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Other than this there are markets that demand for stories with a count of 250, 50 and 100 words.

Preferred demand has too offered rise to quick stories to cater to mobile devices, twitter stories and even stories that can be written on a postcard.

Catherine Dawson enjoys writing fiction and poetry. She has been published in each mediums, on the internet and in print.

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